What If You Had Animal Teeth by Sandra Markle
You can click on the title above to purchase the mentor text from amazon.com
This text is a narrative nonfiction piece of text, most appropriate for grades 2-5.
Possible Minilessons for Writing Workshop:
- Clever introduction
- Close up photographs that let the reader really examine the subject
- Interesting, shocking, and new facts presented to the reader
- Repetition ("If you had..."
- Analogies to the reader's own life helping them truly understand the information being presented
- Humorous illustrations that make the facts relatable to the reader
- Illustrations of background reveal clever connections to the topic
- Extra fact bubble on each page for additional information about the topic
- Varied sentence lengths
- Main idea and supporting details
- List structure
- Varied sentence beginnings
- Varied sentence types (questions, statements, exclamations, etc.)
- Content specific vocabulary introduced
- Conclusion that relates the topic to real life and wraps up the text
- Extra information about the topic ("Where Do Teeth Come From?" and "Teeth Need Care")
- Photo credits that show the validity of the photographs
- Clever title
Thanks, Sarah for the new minilessons based on terrific picture books.