Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Mentor Text of the Week- What If You Had Animal Teeth by Sandra Markle

What If You Had Animal Teeth by Sandra Markle
You can click on the title above to purchase the mentor text from
This text is a narrative nonfiction piece of text, most appropriate for grades 2-5.

Possible Minilessons for Writing Workshop:

  • Clever introduction
  • Close up photographs that let the reader really examine the subject
  • Interesting, shocking, and new facts presented to the reader
  • Repetition ("If you had..."
  • Analogies to the reader's own life helping them truly understand the information being presented 
  • Humorous illustrations that make the facts relatable to the reader
  • Illustrations of background reveal clever connections to the topic
  • Extra fact bubble on each page for additional information about the topic
  • Varied sentence lengths
  • Main idea and supporting details
  • List structure
  • Varied sentence beginnings
  • Varied sentence types (questions, statements, exclamations, etc.)
  • Content specific vocabulary introduced 
  • Conclusion that relates the topic to real life and wraps up the text
  • Extra information about the topic ("Where Do Teeth Come From?" and "Teeth Need Care")
  • Photo credits that show the validity of the photographs
  • Clever title

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Sarah for the new minilessons based on terrific picture books.
